Using Promo for Virtual School: Promoting Culture and Community in a fun way!


2020 is bananas and the start of school has been a huge stressor for many parents and students alike. Will you be virtual? Hybrid? In person? Is it safe? What about sports, clubs and activities? With so many unknowns it can be daunting. Like many parents, I have found myself wondering what it will be like for my Kindergartner and what I can do to make this easier for her and me and our family. 

This weekend, my husband and I put together a “virtual study center” for my daughter. This is stocked with school supplies she can use, a small desk just for her and a lamp. My instagram feed was full of parents with similar plans. This was a great way for us to encourage her and make this school year exciting. Well, I’m also a proud member of the PROMO-community (Literally, I’m CAS and everything)  and instantly saw this as a potential opportunity especially for schools and clubs to build culture and excitement even with students and parents working remote. I know we all think of pens, pencils, highlighters and journals but there are other cool ideas too that can be a little out of the box and help stand out.

I will be expanding my #PROMOPARENT posts to include areas where promotional products can be used to make a virtual school environment easier. These are great ideas to not only pitch to school districts, universities but also businesses who have employees who are working from home as caregivers. Let’s make this stressful time a little more fun.

Fun fact… Did you know that one of the first recorded promotional products was a book bag branded with Caldwell Shoes? Promotional products and education have a long history!

Ideas for items to make a virtual study space

Things you may not have thought of but make great options, inexpensive and easy solutions!

STYLUS PEN: The Javalina Stylist Pen was one of the first items I identified as a game changer. There aren’t many stylist options in the aisles of Target. My daughter uses a tablet which has letter tracing programs. Originally she was using her finger which really didn’t give her the feeling of writing. For safety, I did remove the ink cartridge. This gives her the feel of writing with a pen. 

DESK DECOR: Kids are exceptionally messy. One way to make sure they know where they can keep their beverage is with a coaster like the ones from Coaster Stone. Not only can it absorb the condensation but beautiful graphics can help brighten up their work area. 

ORGANIZING SKILLS: Containing crayons, pencils, scissors and all the little random things that come along can be a challenge. Mimicking my own packing habits, have a little bag for everything. Something like the Avery Bag by Gemline can help sort and contain. In her bag there are crayons and markers. In mine there are power banks and cords. There are so many uses for these the options are endless!

SAFETY FIRST: As we have all learned from hours on zoom calls and forgetting to blink, blue light filter glasses are essential. I don’t understand why more people aren’t talking about this! Especially for kids where the long term effects are not known. Why not start them out with protection? Pop has some really exceptional decoration capabilities to spirit up your blue light filter glasses and make you ready for some zooming. 

KITTING IS WINNING: From the school’s perspective this can be an amazing time to build culture and school spirit. Why not send out a mailer to each family welcoming them to e-learning and include some spirit items? Premade kits from Numo can give some desk essentials to brighten up your space. Or build one that is unique just for your audience.

We are all stressed out. Don’t be afraid to keep it whimsical. Send pajama bottoms and a graphic tee and call it a uniform. Hand out pennants, dry erase boards or stuffed mascots. Whatever it is sending a promotional item can really not only make the lives of parents easier but build your culture and vibe. 

This is the best time for Promo done RIGHT.