Selling with Passion: Embracing Products

So many times in the promotional product industry I hear how it is not about the product, it is about the why, the ROI or the relationship, all of which are true, to an extent. At some point you have to embrace the product for not only what it is but what it can be. At the end of the day, your client is buying a widget. Don’t dis the widget. 

It starts with changing your mindset: value what we create. What we do is important and does impact people. No, we are not curing cancer but we are making the t-shirts that rally the team fundraising to cure cancer. It is absolutely about creating a value for your client, and you are doing that by supplying them with a source of effective marketing merchandised products. From uniform programs that help employees embrace their brand and stay engaged or safety programs literally helping save lives to the matching t-shirts for a family reunion. It all matters.  

Once you have embraced the mindset make sure you are projecting that change. I have been known to charge people for using words such as trinkets and trash or tchotchkes. Swag I am okay with because it makes me feel hip but that is a different kind of mindset. Do not devalue what you do and do not let others either; that includes clients. 

Now you are ready to sell with passion focusing not only the intrinsic values, but what they are. Get excited.   

Finding a product you love

Step 1: Try the product: Suppliers are constantly trying to put product in your hands. Take some. Not all (avoid promo-hoarding) but some. If something seems interesting try it out. When you do try it, try it in real life. Try it the way your client’s end user actually would try it. That means putting the tumbler in the dishwasher and throwing the shirt in the dryer. By doing this you can give actual feedback on the products. 

Numo tote perfect for bringing snacks and toys to the park!

Numo tote perfect for bringing snacks and toys to the park!

Step 2: Be honest: If a product didn’t work for you, be honest about it. If a client wants to buy something that you tried and it didn’t work, don’t just sell it to them. That is how you become a consultant. If the lid didn’t stay on, tell them. If the pen didn’t write, tell them. They will thank you for it in the long run. 

Step 3: Pick something you love: There are some really fantastic products out in the market. There are some incredible retail inspired technology that you can decorate in amazing ways. Even if you only find one thing that you can really get behind that is enough. Learn everything you can about it. Embrace it. Love it. 

Step 4: Tell people about it: This is our nature. When you find something you like, tell other people about it; clients, friends, it doesn’t really matter just share. I  gave my dad a scramble stick and it is now a staple in his golf bag. I take a Thumpa Wireless speaker out on the patio every night. We took a copper insulated bottle the zoo on a hot day and it still had ice in it the next day. (See #PromoInLife for other items that have made my passion list)

The next time you are presenting products to a client start the conversation with “I saw this and knew it would be perfect for you” or “I have been using this and I love it” with excitement and you will be amazed how infectious that can be and the next time they call you they will want to know what cool new things you have tried. 

At the end of the day we sell products. And those products are pretty darn cool.