What is in a BRAND?


Why is it sometimes the things we are most familiar with are the hardest to do? Take a minute to remind yourself of the power of branding basics to keep relevant.


“If you are speaking of music… it is of all subjects my delight. There are few people in England I suppose, who have more true enjoyment of music than myself,or a better natural taste. If I had ever learnt, I should be a great proficient.”

While it is a slight bastardization of the famous words of Lady Catherine de Bourgh from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice it speaks volumes for many situations. The idea that someone can be an expert in something that they are not actually trained or experienced to do or create. Lady Catherine thinks she would be an exceptional musician just because of her experience as a member of the audience but makes no real effort to learn but instead subjects others to her entertainment. This parallel can be matched to the power of Brand and the odd idiosyncrasy of companies within the promotional products industry and their relation to brand efforts or lack there of.

Every day in the promotional products world, every decision, every thought, every plan, every idea is based on a brand. Will it fit the space? Does it come in the right color? Is there enough dead space? We become the brand police where we know the ins and outs of brands like we created them ourselves. In our sleep we are picturing measurement grids and PMS colors. It is LITERALLY everything. It is the purpose of the industry. So, that being said, why are promotional companies the worst at doing their own branding? Shouldn’t it be easy?

The answer lies in the difference between “marketing” and “sales”. This difference lives in every business and usually is a source of contention and that is no different in the promotional products industry. Promo is saturated in sales. Old school sales. You know a guy, he has a need you get a sale and so forth. There is prospecting, closing and account management. But the world is changing. Buyers are changing. Technology is changing everything is changing and if marketing is continued to be ignored while sales is the sole focus, clients will become disinterested in what you are selling and eventually there won’t be any customers left.

It isn’t all doom and gloom though. There are companies that are embracing the philosophy of branding and it really is something that anyone can do. You really already have learnt it. You just don’t know it.

Step 1: Who are you? Sounds pretty basic but it is just as crucial as any planning. Who are you and what emotion do you want clients to feel? Are you edgy and modern? Are you clean and classic?

Step 2: Where do you live? This isn’t necessarily focused on geography as much as it is who your client is. Do you expand verticals or do you focus on one kind of business? Now, would your audience understand who you are?

Step 3: Create the rules of the road. Guidelines are crucial. Your guidelines could be “everything goes” but make it official and real. Require those who represent your brand embrace and abide by these rules at all times.

Step 4: Communicate! This will come up with every business concept. If you don’t communicate it you really might as well not bother. Have a launch. Give out SWAG! Promote YOUR SELF.

Step 5: Plan and REPEAT. Make sure that you are constantly scheduling and working on your brand. Set a time weekly, monthly, whatever makes sense for your business to spend on your marketing plan. It is one of the easiest things to push to the side and the easiest ways to become irrelevant.

Not sure how to create a marketing or brand plan? Well keep reading posts! Or reach out to our team for help to get you started. We are here to help!